Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Minna-san, how are you? I’m sorry for no updates about four months.
OJT make me very tired, not only physically but emotionally. It seriously blows my brains out! But then, like my Coordi in OJT said “take the positive one and throw the negative one!” when you do something.

Take the positive one; meet with new people, new friends.

I plan to update again in this blog, not everyday... maybe once or two updates for a week, and mostly about my favorites, such as; my own ootd (altho, I'm not fashionista afterall), cute stuffs, review of new books/movies, etc; very random isn't? But hey, that's really me. 

Till my next post, mata ne! 


Have you #powerpuffyourself on instagram? It's my own version, not look alike ne? hahaha

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