Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bonerex and Vogue!

New sweater!!! Yay! Do u familiar with this sweater?

Hahaha yeah I bought it coz not only awesome design, but also because G-Dragon wore it in "One of a Kind  countdown GD and friends with naver" before.

OOAK countdown with Naver 
Well, I also saw a fashionista wore it in harajuku, saw it in tokyofashion before.. Looks awesome! Really love this bonerex sweater! The color, design, very colorful and catchy!! Me likey!!

Well, aside Sandara Park, G-dragon is one of my inspiration in fashion. Well step aside those hideous wig or weird hairstyle okay! I mean sweater, cap, and also T-shirt. He and Dara always wears cool outfit! Ne, actually not only this, I also got new cap.... yes looking at title. it's VOGUE cap. Yay!

Look dark. T^T very LQ pic coz camera on laptop are bad.

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