Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ITB's Art Market 2014 (Pasar Seni ITB 2014)

On Sunday, November 23rd, 2015, I went to one of the biggest Art Market in South East Asia, it is "Pasar Seni ITB".
The event held just one day, once a rare 4-year. There are so many stands and unique installations also pictures, that related with arts in the event. I didn't take many pictures, because it was crowded, and raining that time, now.. it's rainy season in Indonesia...  

I didn't buy any merchandise or enter place like Kotak Kontak or Semestarium...
First, because I don't bring enough money; second, the queue were very long.. Like when you queue for concert's merchandise.. Btw, aside the gallery of paintings, there were Sponsor's stands, foods, cute stuffs like scrap books or knitted dolls, etc.

The crowd...
Deasy, thanks for accompanied me last Sunday~

T-Rex that caught people attention that day~ Made by Rusty zinc (Seng berkarat).
I read on article, they made it for 3 months.

Photo by Deasy :)

T-Rex behind me!!

Beautiful paintings,,,

Another beautiful paintings..

[More pics to come? only 2-3 pics]

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